Keynote | Training | Breakout

Agents today face challenges from technology, new competition, and finding abundance in their personal lives.  Success requires new action.

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Speaking Topics

Do What Matters Today

Agents with a heart to serve face competing priorities.  Discover what matters most, create time for it, actually do it.  Josh gets agents into the right action so they can sell more and be home for dinner.

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Productive and Present

Thinking about work while at home, and vice versa? We struggle with new levels of "always on" work and high-tech distractions. Productive at Work and Present at Home will allow you to be fully where you are.

See Introduction

Mission Matters

Leaders with big ideas struggle to find equally passionate people. The solution is simple--stop telling people your mission, and start asking about theirs. Learn how to tap into unbounded motivation.

Video intro

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